Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Earth Hour 60+

Night. Night. Celebrating Earth Hour. In my campus hold an event to save their environment.
nice event but let me tell you this event with my view.

ok, there are some performance from some friend 
in campus and some guest from Bogor Lover Community.

Unknown Band, I don't know the name of this band.
Theatrical performance from Rumput Community.
Bamboo music from Bogor Lover.
GFM percussion.
 closed with statement together for save our environment.

my view?
forget it, never mind.
I won't say a long word now.
even, turning off your light every night when you going to sleep much better than this event.
but I hope this is one of momentum for us to have a kind heart to make environment better.
keep moving forward lah.

let's check the pict.

Rumput Theater Community.
Andin and Maknun.
Wild Pardi Pay appear.
Me and Robin, while Betmen have dines keluar kota.
Me again.
Mr. Jun Reading the statement.

Pamoramica the situation.
Photo session.
Unknown Beautiful Girl.
Light on, Earth Hour is over.
Friend of friend.

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